Facts and Statistics About Ames
Ames is known for its healthy, stable economy, flourishing cultural environment, and Iowa State University. The small town atmosphere with the amenities of a big city, make Ames a comfortable place to call home. Ames is striving to become the best -- and we're almost there... Ames was recently ranked second best out of 189 other small cities in America by a book The New Rating Guide to Life in America's Small Cities. The rating is based on factors such as climate/environment, diversions, economics, education, community assets, health care, public safety, transportation, and urban proximity. Population
Climate Average winter temp: 21.3 degrees Average summer temp: 71.9 degrees Average annual rainfall: 32.1 inches Average annual snowfall: 31.6 inches Highways/Interstates Near the crossroads of I-35 and I-80, Ames is located at the center of the state of Iowa. Interstate road systems place Ames a half-day or less drive from Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha, and Chicago. Des Moines, Iowa's State Capitol, is only 30 minutes away. Distances to other cities in the Midwest